An exciting cooking experience

Jatorrizko herrialdean eta bizi diren herrialdearen artean, geografiari zein kulturari dagokienez, etorkin batzuk aurkitu zituzten desberdintasunak medio, Europari buruz geneukan ezagupen maila zabaltzen eta sakontzen jardun dugu DBHko 2. mailakoak Ingeles arloan aste batzuetan zehar.

Ikasgaiari amaiera emateko Europako herrialde horietako zenbait errezeta platerera eraman genituen, pare bat “istripu” salbu, sukaldatze esperientzia arrakastatsua suertatu zelarik. Jolasaldian, guztiok batera, hamaiketako ederra izan genuen, Europako zenbait zapore artean.

An exciting cooking experience

Students of 2nd grade of Secondary School have been working for some weeks on Europe in order to improve our knowledge in Europe’s Geography and Culture, and we have done it based on some migrants’ testimonies in which they told us about their country of origin and their current country.

To take the unit to an end we thought of cooking some typical recipes from those countries. Except for a couple of little “accidents”, we lived a successful experience. At the break we all were able to try the taste of Europe in a Belen’s cake and octopus with potatoes from Portugal, a calzone, a pizza and macaroni from Italy, a Spanish omelette, a Joulutorttu from Finland, some Currywurst sausages  and hotdogs from Germany a Rösti and a ban from Suitcherland, Creps from Norway, some Bread from Latvia.